to a paper crane
The claw pointed, accusing.
“If you do that again, I’m going to bite off your scabby little rat-tail and tie you up with it. You may depend on that.”
It’s easy to act menacing when one’s jaws are brimming with very sharp teeth.
“Your horns are going to drop off, the way you’re carrying on.” Chahiron shrugged. “She’s the one who believed it.”
Seths’ white face contorted, his eyes an alarming shade of yellow.
“I’ll not have you telling little Leilani that dragons eat cockroaches after every meal like grapes. You KNOW she’s trying to learn-”
“You shoulda seen how she pinned those buggers on the end of that toasting fork, it was priceless, I tell you.”
Seth flexed his long white fingers, as if they longed to squeeze Chahiron like a grape.
“Relax baby, I’ve been keeping up with the culture lessons. She can cuss just like your mother-”
Chahiron was interrupted as he found most of his head suddenly inside Seth’s mouth. It had been a long time since he’d shared that kind of intimacy with another flesh and blood soul. He suspected it wouldn’t end well. Sometimes, he wished he were an optimist.
“Time out, you bastard,” came Seth’s amused, though slightly muffled voice. “When you apologize, you may leave.”
“Go play with the pox.”
This was going to take a while. Both dragons had all the tenderness of a sledgehammer.
Adobe Photoshop CS3.